"Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them and to have their views taken seriously" This explains that every child should be able to freely express their opinions and have them heard by administrative and judical proceedings affecting the child. This article's important because it gives every child the right to say their thoughts and to have then taken into consideration in all situations involving them.
"Both parents share responsibility for bringing up their child and should always consider what is best for the child. Governments must support parents by giving them the help they need, especially if the childs parents work" This explains that both parents are primary caregivers and are responsible for a child's upbringing and should always do what's best for the child. This also explains that the government should provide support and help to parents to help with raising the child. This article is important because it ensures that children were being raised as best as they could by both parents and that the government is helping where needed to support the rights and needs of the child and their family.
"Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this" This explains that a child has the right to live a good life where all lf their different needs can be met. This also explains that the government hpudl help to provide help to any families that cannkt meet these needs. This article is important because it ensures that the child will live the best life they can with the help of their parents and with help from the government who helps to provide for those families that are struggling to make a good life for their child.